Proposal - every Tube ticket office to close by 2015
On Sun, 22 Dec 2013 12:48:27 -0800
Aurora wrote:
You would think the poster would be an expert on obnoxious. Like me I
am sure you have black and white lists of clients.
There are certainly a couple of places I'd think twice about working at again.
They're the sort of places that think contractor = permie without paid holidays
and expect you to work whatever hours they request without paying extra.
You go to any small business and ask them to do some extra work for you for
free and you'll be shown the door pdq, yet it seems to be the attitude amongst
some companies that freelancers are fair game. No, we're not. An extra
half an hour here or there occasionally is fine, but if a company expects me
to regularly work and hour or 2 beyond my contracted hours then they can
swivel on it.