Oyster refund at LRH
In message , at 22:02:14 on
Wed, 1 Jan 2014, Paul Corfield remarked:
Oh and this week's entry in the most pointless holiday snap competition is
"Here's a picture of the (large) group of us standing in the queue at the
underground station" WTF! (not the Asian chappie, a bunch of Europeans)
All part of that iconic LUL experience. You may mock but queues at a
LU ticket office will be a historic sight within 18 months or so.
Anyone who wants to capture a bit of Underground life should try and
get a few snaps of people using ticket offices before they disappear
and get replaced by coffee bars and Amazon lockers. It's a genuine
bit of Underground and London history and blink and it'll be gone. The
other aspect is the variation in the design of ticket offices (less
than there used to be but still there in places).
I recognise that the queues might be at ticket machines instead but
it's not the same thing.
If you go to Kings Cross or Euston you'll see there's no "might" about
it, even now. (And that's just two I use myself).
Roland Perry