Local Government Structures
On Sun, 12 Jan 2014 19:13:33 -0600, Recliner
Charles Ellson wrote:
On Sun, 12 Jan 2014 20:50:13 +0100, "tim......"
"Aurora" wrote in message
On Sun, 12 Jan 2014 16:20:13 -0000, "Peter Masson"
"Aurora" wrote
However, the real issue here is that Westminster was thrust upon the
inhabitants of the neighboring boroughs. Had there been a ballot
option, offering the choice, there would be no problem here. The
residents would have decided to maintain their old local borough, or
join the nearby City. As it is we will never know.
You are one the finest usenet contributors. So, one heitates to
The decision to reorganise London local government was taken at national
level, and it was true that there were no ballots as to which new London
Borough the old Metropolitan Boroughs would go into. Keeping the old
boroughs was not an option -
IMHO units of governement should be sized according to the electorate
contained therein. OTOH, folks should be prepared to pay for their
chosen parish, municipality, and county
But the electorate wont understand the financial consequences of their
"vote" and wont consider it when making their decisions
and the Politicians with the vested interest wont tell them, just look at
the lies being told in Scotland about how much better off financially they
are going to be if they vote yes!
What about the blatant lies and unsubstantiated claims by the "No"
campaign ?
Surely much less than those propagated by the Yes campaign?
Such as ...... ?
According to the No campaign :-
-Voting Yes will prevent television satellite signals reaching
Scotland. ("You won't be able to watch Coronation Street/Eastenders").
-It will rip the British NHS apart. (There has never been a British
-It will put up the price of mobile 'phone calls (just after an EU
clampdown started).
-The oil will run out (it's going to do that eventually whether
Scotland stays in the UK or not)
-All the oil tax revenues will be lost (over 90% of the oil is in
Scottish waters by international law and RotUK could not change that
without Scotland's agreement).
-Scotland would be chucked out of the EU (no competent ruling or
decision actually exists but e.g. Germany did not have to leave the EU
when re-forming as the EU just tailored appropriate arrangements)
etc. etc.