in search of efficiency
Jack Howard wrote:
In message , Bagpuss
So what weenies can try
What, exactly, is a "weenie"?
I confess I didn't know what that meant exactly, but I think I got the gist.
"Transportation" seems to be standard US English for what in the UK is
I think a lof of this verbiage comes from the US, where people appear to me to
be more desperate to impress even than in the UK, and where general standards of
English are even lower, or perhaps more lax would be a better description.
I remember after the 11 Sept 2001 watching numerous people being interviewed in
NY on the box, and time and time again they tried to impress with "long" words,
invariably mis-used or out of context. Sometimes they used "non-words" as they
did not exist.
The interviewees included fire and police chiefs as well as other professional
This verbiage migrates to the UK, where, for example, I gather the use of
"headed" in passive forms, as opposed to the (usually correct) "heading" is
becoming common. (As in; where are we heading ? If we are in control,we are
heading, not headed.)
chrs, Kester