New TfL site in beta
On first impressions I quite like the new layout. I'm not sure
about the graphic that informs me "we're working on it" but at least
the whole thing doesn't go blank and leave you wondering. The only
real issue I had was that when I clicked on a route to see details I
couldn't close it until I went to the header and clicked there which
wasn't terribly intuitive for me.
I'm using Firefox and a 1920x1200 display and I still found the vertical
spacing absurdly large. I've told them so; and also asked if they have
consulted the RNIB etc as ISTM the font was much "lighter" than before
(which IIRC reduces readability for partially sighted people).
Of course IMLE that counts for little with grapic designers looking to
provide eg "a fresher, more vibrant style in keeping with a changing
dynamic". And who probably now develop their designs on 30" WXQGA (ie
monitors and pitch them to management using WQXGA projectors.
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