Borough boundaries
LB Richmond is absurd. Putting Twickenham and Richmond in the same
makes no sense, when the only transport links between the two halves of
borough are 2 road bridges, 1 rail bridge, and a few pedestrian links.
Why should transport links be a factor. A borough s just a way of
administering local government.
If only it were just a way of administering local government! These were
the kind of words used when GL was created in the 60s. Now, of course, we
have the media referring to such things as "Biggin Hill in south London",
which is completely crazy.
I am tired of reading GLA material through my door addressed to "Dear
Londoner". They quite clearly have an agenda to Londonise the outer
boroughs that have not previously ever been described as
south/east/west/north London. I have no major problem with the
administrative top tier of local government being based at London Bridge
rather than Maidstone, but I do have a problem with my area having to be
rebranded to "London" because of it.
Most maps also show these administrative areas, and so they do impact on
"where you live". Maybe maps shouldn't be drawn with administrative
counties/areas so prominently. If you address something to Bexley or
Bromley you put "Bexley, Kent, DA5..." or "Bromley, Kent, BR1...". When you
look on a map it appears that Bexley and Bromley aren't in Kent. I am sure
that confuses people.