Tour De France In July . . . And Chaos
Robin9 wrote:
About a year ago Boris Johnson and his henchmen caused traffic chaos in
London by staging a cycling event which closed several major roads and
crippled surrounding routes.
As a resident of Leyton, I have now received a leaflet from TfL, bearing
imprint "MAYOR OF LONDON", about the Tour de France Stage 3 - Monday 7
July 2014. If what this leaflet threatens is true, further traffic chaos
will be
Everything you say may be true. But you seem to be starting from a premise
that "traffic chaos" is a bad thing.
Maybe a lot of people really don't find "traffic chaos" to be the life
changing event you do? Perhaps a lot of people think "traffic chaos" once
in a while is an acceptable price for having nice things?
(Many people may even think occasional traffic chaos is actually a good
thing for reminding people wedded to their motor vehicles that there is a
world beyond their locked doors, a world that would be even better if fewer
people were wedded to said motor vehicles.)