Tour De France In July . . . And Chaos
On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 06:11:02PM +0100, Paul Corfield wrote:
I think you are underestimating the extent to which people will wish
to view this event and that includes the schools right along the
route. The long standing tradition in France is for the passing of Le
Tour to be an excuse for a party but perhaps you'll be in the "party
pooper" category?
I fail to see what there is to celebrate about a few sweaty oiks zooming
past for a few minutes.
I am afraid I do not understand the raging contempt people have for an
event if they can't get out of their house for a few hours. The
reaction from people in Surrey is somethng I just don't get given the
ability to plan around the event months in advance and the guarantee
that anyone suffering an emergency will get the help they need.
How about the fact that, just like the Olympics, it's a pain in the
arse, and that the powers that be can't be arsed with actually talking
to the people affected, they just impose these events on their home
towns. At least the Olympics was long enough that it made sense to
avoid it by going on holiday.
I spent a week of them in north Wales, where it seems that almost all
the other tourists were Londoners escaping from the sportsgasm.
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