"Robert Woolley" wrote in message
On Sat, 19 Jul 2003 00:44:12 +0100, "Dave Arquati"
"Cast_Iron" wrote in message
OK, try here, http://www.tps.org.uk/
That's excellent, thanks.
Dave, Imperial College runs an excellent MSc in Transport jointly with
Yes, I know... unfortunately although there's an extensive list of degrees
you might have to be able to take it (civil engineering, maths, computing,
geography, environmental science etc), I happen to be on what is probably
THE most unrelated course that Imperial does (biochemistry!). I challenge
anyone to find a link between Biochemistry (incidentally I'm already on an
MSc, although I can always change that) and Transport :-)
I'm very tempted to go and pester the transport department to find out more
anyway - but I'm not back in London until September.
Dave Arquati
Imperial College, SW7