Private roads paid for by the tax payer
On Friday, 6 June 2014 18:05:09 UTC+1, K wrote:
I received an email from my MP today asking me to sign a petition to stop
the council banning local residents from using a road being paid for with
£7m of tax payers money. This is a new one on me. We have toll roads paid
for with private money. Restricted access roads where everybody pays (such
as the congestion charge) but this idea is completely new. Non residents
will get to use this road but residents will get fined if they use it.
"Sign my petition to let us use the new Link Road
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Bushey Arches, West Watford and the ring road all suffer from traffic
congestion, and we now have the opportunity to change this and alleviate
some of the pressure on these routes - but I need your help or it may not
Around two years ago I secured £7million of funding from the Government
toward a new Link Road, which will create access from the M1 via Dalton Way,
to the back of the Hospital near Cardiff Road. This was excellent news and
very welcome, it will undoubtedly relieve pressure by removing Hospital
traffic from other routes, and will ensure faster response times with
ambulances no longer having to battle their way down Vicarage Road.
Since then however I have heard of the Council's plans to install number
plate recognition cameras along the Link Road to make sure that Watford
residents cannot use it. Local residents using the new road to get home for
example, would receive a fine.
I do not believe that local residents are properly aware of this, and I want
that to change. I also do not believe that preventing local people from
using the road is fair; after all it is being paid for with public money.
I have written to the Managing Director of Watford Borough Council and asked
that, firstly, the cameras are not installed. This would mean residents of
West Watford, Vicarage and Holywell could use the road without penalty - it
would not alter the construction of the road itself. Secondly, I have asked
the Council to put in 'turns' at Wiggenhall Road, to allow residents coming
from Oxhey for example, to turn onto the Link Road so that they have an
alternative route of access to the motorways. I think this is particularly
important as no action has been taken to alleviate pressure at Bushey Arches
for a number of years, and we should not miss this opportunity to take
proper action.
Therefore, while the road will ease some pressure and I do still support its
construction, particularly for improved Hospital access, it could do so much
more for local residents. This is an opportunity to finally make life easier
for local residents travelling in and around Watford, and to ease congestion
at Bushey Arches significantly, and this is not a chance I want us to miss
out on"
The MP has got it wrong. The proposal is that part of the new Link Road between the two new roundabouts would be for emergency vehicles only. There would be no distinction between residents and non-residents.