Sunday night from Heathrow
In message , at 18:12:58 on Sat, 14
Jun 2014, Michael R N Dolbear remarked:
I picked Earls Court as the tube destination, but the Heathrow
timetable fooled me. The "last train" on a Sunday is actually on the
Monday "first train" timetable. You couldn't make it up!!
Isn't that standard on National Rail ?
It would be if the train departed after midnight, but this one departs
at T5 at 23.58, so by convention would be on the *Sunday* page.
I recall M-F timetables which started with lots of MX and a few MO columns.
Indeed, I've been spending quite a bit of time with my head inside a
1975 'big red' timetable the last couple of days.
Sometimes a train was in both the Sunday and M-F table, true.
What they did in 1975 was put the *full* service in a late-night column,
and then the service *from it's first stop timed the next day* in an
early morning column.
Thus the 23.58 should show up in the "Until (aka last train)" column for
Sunday and also as the 00.07 from T123 in the first column for Mon-Fri.
[It would do no harm to also show that the 0007 originated at T5 at
23.58] The fact you have to change trains at T123 (if starting from T5)
is a slight complication, but should not change this presentational
Then of course there's the peculiarity of having the 23.58/00.07 in a
column headed *first* train, although it's easier for passengers to see
what's going on there, than having the 23.58 inexcusably missing from
the column headed "until".
ps Even if the final train of the day departed T5 after midnight, I
still think it should be shown in the "running until on Sunday" column,
rather than the "First train Monday" column.
Roland Perry