Sunday night from Heathrow
Roland Perry wrote on 14 June 2014 12:35:06 ...
I have a colleague on a delayed flight who looks as if they'll be
landing Heathrow at 10.45pm Sunday night, and probably looking for ways
to get to West London at about midnight.
I think the chances of getting the 11.48pm last HEx are slim to none;
they aren't an EU citizen, will have hold baggage, and it's an A380. The
last tube is at 11.28pm
What does the team think?
(My initial thought is bonding with a few fellow-countryman delayed pax
en-route and sharing a cab for three.)
Next time you ask for advice about transport from Heathrow, for goodness
sake say which terminal the plane will arrive at (or which airline) and
where in London the passengers are going to. West London isn't really
good enough. Heathrow is in West London!
Richard J.
(to email me, swap 'uk' and 'yon' in address)