On 24/06/2014 20:18, CJB wrote:
From RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Tuesday 24 June 2014 Volume 28 : Issue 04
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 19:41:13 +0100
From: Wm redacted
Subject: London transport authority acknowledges contactless technology risk
How many organisations have warned users of their cards about the risks vs
how many have been discovered and reported ?
I was checking the balance on my Oyster card [1] on-line and noticed this:
Card clash is not news. Has been discussed in the past on utl (in
particular I recall a particularly tabloid-esque subject line from Mr
TfL has been publicising the risk in anticipation of contactless payment
card acceptance going live across all modes (currently only available on
buses - though there's a system wide trial), however card clash has been
a possibility from the start what with people having other RFID type
cards (commonly building access cards) in their wallet / purse / pocket.