London Underground has its own binmen
On 04/07/2014 14:41, Mizter T wrote:
On 04/07/2014 14:02, Basil Jet wrote:
Although I never thought about it, I just assumed that LU used the
council's bin-men like everyone else. Why do they have their own? If
it's for cost reasons, that suggests that councils are seriously
overcharging for bin collection. Maybe they don't want to let council
bin-men into secure sites.
Surprised you've only just noticed!
Can't explain why, though your hypothesis sounds as good a reason as
any. (Otherwise it wouldn't just be councils that could do the job, but
any of the plethora of private refuse companies contracted by businesses.)
I think that you're wrong to suggest that that "they have their own", BJ.
For some years our local LU station has had vans, trucks etc. outside
regularly - all plated "XXXX working with TfL" or the like - three this
I guess it is like other organisations - NHS etc. - contracting out to
get cheap, simple to turn on and to turn off, labour.
Not that one sees much of a sweat being worked up.