Neil Williams wrote:
On 2014-09-05 19:42:21 +0000, Arthur Figgis said:
On 05/09/2014 14:16, JNugent wrote:
OTOH, how do I get to the USA or Canada (let's not even mention the
Antipodes) except by flying?
Though ships are not spectacularly environmentally friendly, either. And
flying is no worse than if each passenger had driven an average family
car, though obviously that isn't an overly practical way of crossing the Atlantic.
Ships have traditionally burnt cheap, dirty bunker fuel, but the rules have
been tightened up at US and EU ports, so they now have to buy more
expensive, but cleaner fuel. But that's not true everywhere, so ships in
those areas emit dirty black smoke.
Cruise liners also travel much more slowly than the old express ocean
liners, which keeps down the pollution, though that's not why they do it.