As predicted, Boris Island sunk
wrote in message
On Sat, 6 Sep 2014 16:41:29 +0100
"tim....." wrote:
wrote in message
As someone who:
Rarely has a car, usually travelling by bus/train/walk/bike
Keeps the thermostat down low so as not to over heat the house
always takes my own reusable bags to the supermarket
Puts everything possible in the recycling bag
never disposes of material things until they have worn out
and never in my life have I thrown away a food item because I let it get
of date/go stale
I have a problem with someone else deciding what particular things I have
do to make my contribution to saving the planet
Thats odd given the above reads like a Greenpeace wish list. Did you
coincidentaly think it up all by yourself in a vacuum?
It's the list of things that I do that the press regularly complains that
people don't do that wastes energy
of course it's going to look like the list of things that people want us to
do if I do, in fact, do them.
I could have added, "I save energy by not ironing my sheets" which isn't on
anybody's list AFAICT if you want me to add some variety