ITSO Travelcards
On Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:31:42 +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
The one thing that ****es me off is that I will often touch in at
Thornton Heath a minute or so before the 09:30 cut-off for off-peak
fares, but the next train doesn't leave until after the cut-off.
Therefore I think I should be charged at the off-peak rate.
That's not my experience. I used to catch a 0926 train from Oakleigh
Park which was frequently a few minutes late. There are validators on
the platform and as long as I touched in at 0927 or later I would pay
an off-peak fare.
That train has now been re-timed and is scheduled to depart at 0925
which it usually does IME so I've ended up paying more.