Tube Map + Property Values
On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 23:17:17 +0100, "John Rowland"
"Jonathan Osborne" wrote in message
It would really help someone like
me, who loves the tube and wants
to explore London using it, but doesn't
want to get off at a shady place and get mugged.
Speaking as a 6 foot white man in his late 30s who typically carries a
plastic bag..
[snip details of avoidance tactics]
I'm genuinely surprised to see that list - I thought you made of
stronger stuff John!. I suppose one or two of the entries like wandering
around the North Peckham estate looking like a lost sheep or else
walking along deserted, unfamiliar canal towpaths make sense. I have to
say that it doesn't enter my head as to whether somewhere is
intrinsically "dangerous" or not if I am out and about on my travels.
I'm not saying there are not areas where the risk of crime is greater
but the underlying issue seems to be the level of familiarity a person
has with an area. The more familiar it is the less risky it seems to be.
Of course the OP is stuck in a slight trap in that he seems unwilling to
venture off exploring without knowing he will be safe but he will never
feel safe because he will never build up his familiarity with a place.
I once went for a ride about on the New York Subway - I ended up
changing lines at a station - Bed Sty - in Brooklyn which I was later
told was the murder centre of New York. I had no idea that I was going
to an area with that reputation but I just made sure I looked like I
knew where I was going, followed the signs and looked confident. I lived
to tell the tale - same ethos applies to wandering around the Paris
suburbs, San Francisco, Sydney or wherever.
The reality is that almost all of London carries some risk of
encountering crime or some lunatic who may stab your eyes out. However a
huge proportion of the population avoids the risk every day of their
lives because they are streetwise and alert or else in so much of a
dream they'd never notice.
I find a simple way to build confidence is not to go by Tube but to ride
around by bus - pick your routes so they go from one town centre to
another and you get to look at the areas in between in safety. You build
your familiarity, you can quietly and safely trace your route on an A-Z
and you then develop a mental map of Greater London. Using the Tube then
becomes easier because you know what each area looks like having already
been there by bus. It's the only way I "learnt" London when I first
moved here. If you want to learn London pick on some big bus routes like
the 13, 113, 15, 14, 16, 82, 22, 38, 73, 36 (eek Peckham!), 29 and go
for a ride from Central London to the end of the route. Route 18 running
through Harlesden / Stonebridge estate to Sudbury will be an eye opener
for you though :-)
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!