In message of Thu, 2 Oct
2014 11:01:47 in, Paul Corfield
On Thu, 2 Oct 2014 08:52:31 +0100, Walter Briscoe
Wednesday, 1 October was not a good day for London Underground.
Paddington signal failure about 0700 and "a person on the line" to
Hammersmith (Hammersmith & City) about 1100. Does that mean "one under"?
A train failure at Tottenham Court Road before 0700 resulted in no
Central Line service between Liverpool Street and Marble Arch until
about noon.
Alternative reports of emergency engineering works made me guess the
failed train hit something. Loss of the Central line seemed to overload
the westbound Jubilee. I boarded the fourth arriving train at London
Bridge about 0830. ;(
I suppose the day continued in kind. 
The failure rate seems much lower than it was about 5 years ago. Double
failures are now rare. 40% delay improvement claims seem pessimistic. 
It is reported on the District Dave blog that an engineering hours
move of the preserved Cravens unit (back from the EOR) resulted in
damage to the conductor rail. The first service train had several of
its shoes knocked off by the misaligned track. That train was then
stranded. Getting the train out of the way and then repairing the
conductor rail is what took the time. Not the first time this sort of
thing has happened (i.e. damaged conductor rail knocking current shoes
off trains).
Thanks, Paul. I did not think of District Dave.
is the thread's URL.
It confused me by referring to CHL for Chancery Lane. I have CYL for
Chancery Lane.
Given the Cravens unit destroyed the track at Chancery Lane, I don't
understand why Service Status announcements referred to a train failure
at TCR (Tottenham Court Road) as the cause of the Part Suspension.
It should be fascinating (eventually) to read about the risk analysis of
moving the Cravens unit over the Central line from the EOR. (Epping
Ongar Railway)
reports consequential chaos at LYS. (Leytonstone)
I am reminded of a northbound grinding unit coming loose and becoming
unmanned and southbound on the Northern line on 13 August 2010.
CsQFjAB& ources.cfm%3Ffile%3D%2
F110615_r092011_highgate.pdf&ei=qkEtVK7JK7Ld7QaK4o GoDQ&usg=AFQjCNGjVpTcu
fDB48CHOD9P0rcUceRtNQ&sig2=ho8urTQJ0t2AMr0uqA5Ipg& bvm=bv.76477589,d.ZGU&
contains the full story of that incident.
Neither incident killed anybody and four years seems a respectable
failure interval between those failures. (Touches wood

Walter Briscoe