On 10/10/2014 11:28, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 10:45:54 on Fri, 10 Oct
2014, Mizter T remarked:
In the absence of a Cheap Day Single, I wonder how many tourists
arriving buy the much more expensive Open Single, rather than a Cheap
Day Return and throw the other half away?
Sorry, that's not quite right - for journeys *from* Luton Airport -
the Anytime Day Single from Luton Airport to London is £15.50, the
Off-peak Day Return is £16.50. Similarly, at weekends the Super
Off-peak Day Single is £10.40, whilst the Super Off-peak Day Return is
Things must have changed in the most recent fares manual (I was working
from the Avantix that expired last month, which shows an Anytime Day
Single at £26)
No, it was never that expensive.
However for journeys *to* Luton Airport from London, *on weekdays* the
exact same applies - the Anytime Day Single is cheapest - however on
*weekends* the cheapest option is the Super Off-peak Day Return at
£12, as (for reasons unknown) they don't make the Super Off-peak Day
Single available for journeys starting from London.
There never used to be a Super Off-peak Day Single at all. But it's
available from London too:
That's only to Luton Airport Parkway, but yes you're quite right there
are Super Off-peak Singles *from London* to Luton Airport too - for some
reason I missed that earlier:
(My recollection is that the Super Off-peak Day Return didn't used to
be available from the London end, so you could only take advantage of
it by buying one to start at Luton Airport and just using the return
When the weekend-only Super Off Peak Day Returns [CBA] were introduced
to where I live on what's now Great Northern they were only into London,
but now there's an outward flow as well.
Yes, they must have been introduced not so long ago. Annoying that they
didn't exist in the first place.