Michael R N Dolbear wrote:
This October half-term enjoy 50% off SWT standard off-peak day return
tickets every day from Saturday 25 to Friday 31 October 2014.
And a minor rant because one of my old schools doesn't have half-term that
week but instead this one. And the others my sister, my neighbours and I
variously went to have a fortnight this week and next. Though as we all left
school in the 1990s (and I only know the term dates from mini-research on
why letting schools set their own is a bad thing for any family with any
connection to more than one school - in my day things were even worse) it
doesn't actually matter to any of us now.
But would a parent whose children have the wrong week off have any legal
basis for a discrimination complaint? And would the outcome be different for
those off in the wrong week vs those with a fortnight that does cover the
week of the offer?
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