Mizter T wrote:
Er, seriously... if so, how does no sound?
Most schools in SWT's 'catchment area' (to use a scholastic phrase) are on
half-term for the 27th to 31st.
One can try and find the exceptions via this tool if one fancies (though
it now works with a postcode only, the old direct.gov.uk site accepted
local authority names as well):
That covers the states (although some can vary - when I were a lad the Epsom
schools were notably divided over whether the summer half-term should be the
standard late May Bank Holiday week or Derby Week for either local tradition
or traffic concerns) but the independents are more often all over the place
on this. From what I can tell conformity mainly comes when neighbouring
education authorities are all synced up and so provide a framework to adapt
to. Otherwise the independents claim that there's no one system across all
their catchment area and make no effort to either research the majority one
or start talking to other schools about conformity beyond sports matches.
At first sight it may sound rich for anyone to complain about this in
regards an independent school but many parents are not actually rolling in
cash and have cut back in many other places to afford the fees. And often
relatives wind up looking after children, especially if different term dates
makes it impossible for a parent to take every single half-term date off.
The idea of letting all state schools set their own term dates regularly
flies round the Department of Education and gets floated in public before
someone realises the mess the independents have historically made on this
and that many households are tied to more than one school.
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