TfL to possibly buy 200 extra New Bus for London
On 2014-10-26 14:45:21 +0000, Roland Perry said:
Really? Traction control is all about putting the power down to the
wheels with the best grip. Do cars really implement this by applying
the brakes to those wheels which you don't want power transferred to?
Yes (and by doing so this uses the differential[1] to move some power
to the other wheel from the spinning wheel, unless you brake that as
well). Unless you had individual traction motors and electric
transmission it would be horribly expensive to do otherwise.
[1] With a non-locking differential of the type used on a car, if one
wheel spins all power is lost. So you stop it spinning by braking it,
and the power can go to the other wheel which isn't spinning.
Neil Williams
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