Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 21:00:50 on Tue, 28 Oct 2014,
Basil Jet remarked:
Latest consulation report published here - can'ts e it adds anything much.
If the Kings Cross station is going to stretch to Euston at one end,
why cant the Tottenham Court Road station stretch to Piccadilly Circus at one end?
Is the TCR station allowed for in the design of Crossrail 1, or will they
have to dig it all up again?
Even if they've made some provision, squeezing in another set of large
platform and escalator tunnels under Tottenham Court Rd won't be easy.
Remember the "threading the needle" bit of the Crossrail documentary? That
suggests there isn't much spare space for more tunnels down there, so
presumably CR2 will have to go very deep, below the London clay.