Overground speed - or lack thereof
In message , at 15:32:21 on Wed, 26 Nov
2014, Basil Jet remarked:
Short platform lengths at some stations limit
future lengthening.
I don't understand this. Are people really too ****ing stupid to
understand announcements like "passengers for Some Station must travel
in the front four carriages"? Cos those work just fine elsewhere on the
rail network.
With ungangwayed 4-car units it's not always obvious which one you are
in without getting out and having a look. I've even been on an 8-car
(double 4-car) unit with a through gangway which was about to arrive at
a splitting station and just to confuse everyone they'd already locked
and closed the gangway.
The answer is for separate warnings to be heard in separate carriages.
Ha! That's for too complicated for train designers.
Roland Perry