Overground - hopeless
Quite possibly. Frankly I'm sick of hearing foreign languages all the damn
everywhere in this city but thats another discussion.
Why don't you move to Clacton or somewhere you can have a UKIP MP as
their areas have some of the lowest numbers of nasty foreigners. You'll
be much happier.
Oh look, an insular little Islingtonite sneering. How completely out of
I have actually been to clacton - I doubt you have. Probably like most of your
brainwashed metro liberal ilk the only time you ever go outside the M25 is on
an aircraft and think London = England. It doesn't. The only reason I stay in
this ****ing cesspit of a city (or zoo if I'm being kind) is for work.
Funny that, having lived and worked in various parts of the UK over the
last 20 years, the zoo that is London is the only place I'd ever consider
living in again.
Then again, escaping from people like you is the reason I'm moving to
Romania to live...
I hope maybe if the idiots in the UK really do take charge of the asylum
and leave the EU that London will declare independence.