The Fleet Line - Don't Jubilee've It!
Mizter T wrote:
On 22/01/2015 13:23, Offramp wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 January 2015 09:05:28 UTC, Basil Jet wrote:
Just wondering... did the person who decided that the Fleet
Line should be renamed the Jubilee Line get their knighthood?
Many people think that the Jubilee's colour is silver; in fact it is officially grey.
Another trivium: the Victoria Line was going to be called the Viking
Line, because it connected VIctoria and KING's Cross.
Why not Brixstow?
There's only one current line with a made-up composite name like that: the
Bakerloo. And only one other one has a name based on its end points at all:
the Hammersmith and City.