Crossrail 3 proposal (long)
"Nitro" wrote in message
Crossrail 3
Hi all,
As an alternative to the Chelsea-Hackney Line, Mayor Ken Livingstone
talked about a Crossrail 3 between Euston and Waterloo and said this
may go ahead if it has a stronger case than Crossrail 2. Here is a
proposal for a Crossrail 3. Feel free to comment on it.
The Line
The Central tunnel would run from Waterloo, stopping at Temple (at the
western end of the station) and Tottenham Court Road (with an
additional exit near Covent Garden / Leicester Square) before dividing
into two branches: one branch would go to Euston, the other branch to
King's Cross.
From Euston the line would surface near a new Camden Lock station
(either on Parkway (the street) or near Chalk Farm Safeway) and would
continue along the 'DC' lines to Watford Junction. The Bakerloo Line
would be cut back to Queen's Park. As at most 12 trains per hour
(tph) would run on this line, the Bakerloo Line would still be able to
use Stonebridge Park Depot.
From King's Cross the line would continue to Dalston Junction station
and Hackney Central station. The line would then surface near Clapton,
or if this is not possible an underground station at Clapton. Some
trains would then continue to Chingford, others to Stansted Airport.
From Waterloo the line would surface between Vauxhall and Waterloo.
Crossrail 3 would then takeover the Wimbledon slow lines and serve
Vauxhall, Battersea (new platforms), Clapham Junction and on to
Hampton Court (4 tph), Chessington South (4tph), Shepperton (4tph) and
Espom (4tph). The rest of the service would have to terminate in an as
yet undecided location (possibly Clapham Junction - build some
reversing sidings there?). Connections between the fast lines and
slow lines would be retained in the event of an emergency (e.g. if SWT
and Crossrail 3 had to squeeze onto the slow lines).
In the North, the 4tph to Chessington South would go up to Watford
Junction, as would the unspecified 8tph (that terminates somewhere
along the line - Clapham Junction?). The remaining 12tph goes to
Stansted / Chingford (2tph to Stansted, 10tph to Chingford).
Any mention of Crossrail 2 (or even 1) makes me wonder where the funds are
coming from, but why not "save" money by building a single Crossrail
designed to combine the most important benefits of Crossrails 1 and 2.
You could combine the east part of Crossrail 1 with the southwest part of
your line, by means of a core connection between Liverpool Street and
Waterloo. That would relieve the most crowded (eastern) part of Central
line, the main Liverpool Street suburban line, and the main Waterloo
suburban line.
Core stations (most double ended) would be at Waterloo, Temple, Holborn,
Farringdon and Liverpool Street.
There would be interchanges with all existing underground lines except East
London and Docklands.
You could run full-sized dual-powered trains, as on Thameslink.