"David Fairthorne" wrote in message
Any mention of Crossrail 2 (or even 1) makes me wonder where the funds are
coming from, but why not "save" money by building a single Crossrail
designed to combine the most important benefits of Crossrails 1 and 2.
You could combine the east part of Crossrail 1 with the southwest part of
your line, by means of a core connection between Liverpool Street and
Waterloo. That would relieve the most crowded (eastern) part of Central
line, the main Liverpool Street suburban line, and the main Waterloo
suburban line.
Core stations (most double ended) would be at Waterloo, Temple, Holborn,
Farringdon and Liverpool Street.
There would be interchanges with all existing underground lines except
London and Docklands.
You could run full-sized dual-powered trains, as on Thameslink.
This was one of the route options in the East-West study for Crossrail. The
central route would be Clapham Jn - Victoria - TCR - Farringdon - Liv St.
p.14 gives the discussion between the three Crossrail options (Paddington -
Liv St, Wimbledon - Liv St, Wimbledon - Hackney) and why they chose the
first and last of those three (see below). p. 29 gives the maps of the
The Paddington to Liverpool Street options:
.. have the highest proportion of travellers that will
benefit from fewer interchanges;
.. are likely to generate the least short term disruption
to established passenger travel patterns;
.. the Regional Metro is best at supporting
regeneration given its penetration of West London;
.. can be brought into operation more quickly and
with least risk.
The Wimbledon to Liverpool Street options:
.. do most to reduce Central London interchange;
.. have the greatest impact on road traffic congestion
.. offer a better balance of impacts on passengers once
construction is complete;
.. would not provide full relief of congestion;
.. would prevent the subsequent construction
of either of the other two routes.
The Wimbledon to Hackney options:
.. are best at reducing overcrowding on the network;
.. would generate a significant volume of interchange
at Tottenham Court Road, principally onto the
Central line. This would require the capacity of
both the Central line and the station to be
examined to ensure they could cope both safely and
with adequate passenger comfort.
In the light of the assessment it is our
recommendation that the Paddington to Liverpool
Street Regional Metro should progress to the project
definition stage and should form the backbone of the
20 year programme. The reasons for selecting this
option are as follows:
.. provides significant relief to overcrowding in
Central London and on the Great Western and
Great Eastern Main lines;
.. provides direct access from the West to the West
End and the City;
.. provides direct access from the East to the West
.. assists the regeneration of West London eg Park
Royal, Wembley and Paddington Basin and the
Thames Gateway. It also seems likely to do more to
reduce social exclusion on both sides of Central
.. the infrastructure uses a similar alignment to a
safeguarded route that should provide a lower level
of risk than the other options;
.. causes the least disruption to existing travellers;
.. supports the creation of Hubs at Ealing Broadway
and Stratford;
.. allows the subsequent construction of a South West
- North East scheme such as options 5 and 6;
.. the likely programme to the opening of the scheme
will be shorter than the other options given the
preparatory work that has already been undertaken
by London Underground.