Overground down again
In message , at 12:43:59
on Mon, 16 Mar 2015, David Cantrell remarked:
Continuing the cap theme, 25yrs later Bruce Schneier turned up to an
OECD meeting I was at, wearing his signature cloth cap, an open shirt,
and jeans; and although you may regard it as prejudiced, the main
reaction from the people round the table was clearly "who is this idiot,
and how quickly can we get him to stop talking".
Then they are prejudiced fools,
Their main prejudice being "why would this person feel the need to make
a statement by his manner of dress, why won't his arguments speak for
Funny, that's exactly what I think of those who wear suits. And with
better justification. Normal clothes are, well, they're normal clothes.
Suits are something that you have specially for a small part of your
life but which serve no useful purpose beyond what they look like.
I'm sure it depends what company one keeps at work. If you turned up at
the meetings I went to, nit in a suit you'd likely be the only one
dressed like that. Probably, if I turned up at one of yours dressed in
suit, then I'd be the odd one out.
Roland Perry