Oyster refunds
In message , at 11:15:36 on Wed, 25 Mar
2015, Mizter T remarked:
Shere (I think) ticket machines used to print receipts on ticket blanks.
Then they fitted tally roll printers, presumably because they worked
out it was cheaper.
It's all terribly complicated. All the machines print "collection
receipts" (for ToD purchases) on ticket stock. If you buy a ticket from
them, some will print the Credit Card receipt on ticket stock, and
others will print it on a tally roll.
When I've occasionally come across the 'smartcards / Oyster saves
paper' line spouted as a benefit, I think of the times I've come across
great stacks of discarded card receipts on standard ticket stock at
TVMs in the London area (in the ticket collection bin, sometimes piled
up on top of the machine, or in an untidy mess on the floor), a quick
examination of which shows many are receipts for PAYG topups.
Of course, with contactless payment now live many people will have
switched to just using their credit/debit card directly. That I think
can legitimately be said to be a paper saver.
Unfortunately I'm not yet ready to transfer my company accounts to
paperless (and I'm not sure HMRC is either, on my behalf).
Obviously, you can't rely on the paperless originals to still be
available in 7 years time - and in many cases not even in 7 months or 7
days. I'm also not aware of any middleware I could use to aggregate all
the different sources into one "set of accounts".
Printing-as-pdf and saving locally works for some sites, but I've still
get several where it's a Print-Screen and paste into Paint, and Save
from that.
So much simpler, and reliable, in all cases to print to a bit of paper,
which has the advantage you can later staple your used tickets (etc) to
it. Scanning my used tickets and somehow "attaching" them to the pdfs
seems like a non-starter.
Roland Perry