Oyster refunds
On 25/03/2015 12:29, Neil Williams wrote:
On 2015-03-25 11:15:36 +0000, Mizter T said:
When I've occasionally come across the 'smartcards / Oyster saves
paper' line spouted as a benefit, I think of the times I've come
across great stacks of discarded card receipts on standard ticket
stock at TVMs in the London area (in the ticket collection bin,
sometimes piled up on top of the machine, or in an untidy mess on the
floor), a quick examination of which shows many are receipts for PAYG
Bought a ticket from the EMT machine at St Pancras the other week, and I
was pleased to note that it spat out only one piece of card - the ticket
- and no receipts. I think that's the way to go provided a receipt
remains offered on request (by a fairly obvious button) for those who do
reconcile their card spending in that manner. (I see little point in
doing that these days as a miskeyed amount is infinitessimally unlikely
now nothing is hand-written)
It's not just about miskeyed amounts though - card fraud often starts
with test purchases of small amounts of money, which might not get noticed.