Chiltern plans for West Hampstead
Clive Page wrote:
In article , Jeremy Parker
There have long been (vague) plans for a Heathrow Express II, which
would branch off from the present route along the Wormwood
Scrubs-Cricklewood line, stopping at W. Hampstead on the way to St.
Pancras, or somewhere. Was that possibility mentioned?
For several years it was on the 'real soon now' list.
I have just read the SRA's current consultation paper on services along
the Midland main line - in an appendix it briefly mentions this idea and
immediately dismisses it as unworthy of further attention. There is no
explanation for ruling it out, and with King's Cross/St.Pancras being
developed as _the_ north London rail hub, it seems such an obvious thing
to do. I intend to write in complaining about this (but it won't do
much good unless another few million people do the same thing, of
The line in question, the 'Dudden Hill line', is unelectrified and I
suspect semaphore signalled. Given that the SRA seems to have ruled out
ALL new electrification on the grounds of cost, it's not surprising
they've canned this sensible idea.
Maybe if the line found its way onto Crossrail plans and got electrified
for that, something might happen.
The line goes through Park Royal, and a station on it could be useful if
Park Royal continues to regenerate.
Question for the historians: has there ever been a station on the Dudden
Hill line?
Colin McKenzie