Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 05:42:48
on Tue, 14 Apr 2015, remarked:
Ah - were students going off to uni at a younger age then? The
standard entry these days is 18 or higher.
Some were, especially a few mathematicians. Child protection issues have
largely stopped unis from accepting under-18s.
I wonder if there's also an issue with minors signing up for student
I doubt that. Parents have to stand behind their student children, even over
18. So that is easy to fix. It's modern paranoia about child protection
that's scaring off universities that's much harder to handle.
Why is it more difficult than schools (boarding schools if you like).
It seems like child protection is somewhat unavoidable for schools. On the
other hand is a university going to want to Enhanced-CRB check its entire
staff (including every student who volunteers to help in a tutorial or
similar) just to admit one precocious teenager who could easily wait a
year? And will all the student societies need to CRB check their officers
as well, I wonder?
(I've had an enhanced CRB - it's not a difficult process, but it is a
paperwork ballache, it costs a not insignificant amount, and it is slow.)