On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 05:59:29PM +0100, Roland Perry wrote:
But people running businesses in London, and their employees, have a
vested interest in tourists not being treated badly and failing to
return (or even come in the first place if they've heard bad reports).
Most businesses in London are places like Robert's Greengrocer, on
Bristock Road, CR7. I really doubt that Robert or his minion give a ****
about tourists.
David Cantrell |
In Victorian times, when every man wore a beard the size of a yew,
Britain ruled the world. In the early 20th century, when the beard
was trimmed to a moustache, we scraped through two world wars but
lost an empire. Today, when Mach3 Turbo multi-blades are the norm,
our national pride derives largely from beating the Swedes at
Olympic cycling.
Grow a beard. Your country needs you.