DLR - no collision detect?
On Fri, 24 Apr 2015 08:36:52 +0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Given the tight curves and so on of the DLR system it might actually be
quite difficult to detect something at or exceeding your stopping
distance which is obstructing the tracks or even harder the bits between
or at the side of the tracks.
Presumably the only places you'd fit it is where people routinely get near
the tracks: stations. The detectors would be fitted in front of the
platforms (which are straight) and could stop a train coming into the
station if someone or something had fallen from a platform on to the
tracks. Aren't remotely monitored level crossings already fitted with
similar devices?
I'm surprised the RMT haven't picked up on this with an I-told-you-so
tagline. If they did they'd have a point. The DLR is a damn sight busier
than it was ever envisiged to be and I'm not convinced that not having the
train operator at the front is a good idea any more.