Overground article
Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 17:42:44 on Sun, 31 May 2015,
Basil Jet remarked:
If you were HAL you would have wanted guarantees about the revenue due
to you so you could pay off the debt incurred in constructing the
tunnels into Heathrow. I believe the agreement runs to 2023 when the
debt should be clear. Goodness knows what happens then.
I suspect that Heathrow will come properly "into the Zones", but HEx
will be allowed to run trains through the core, at least as far as
docklands (or Stratford if that's a more logical place to reverse
Will the Crossrail layout cater for reversals at Stratford?
I've never heard any suggestion that HEx will extend past Paddington.
Every Crossrail map in years has shown service to T4, not T5.
We aren't talking about Crossrail - this is HEx services after 2023.
If HEx is to continue running fast, non-stop to Paddington on the main
lines, it won't have access to the Crossrail tunnels will it? And if HEx
does use the relief lines and run through London, it will presumably have
to stop at all the PED-equipped tunnel stations, which means having trains
with the same door spacing as the 345s (and no first class?). On that
basis, how could HEx, with no speed or comfort advantage, charge higher
fares than Crossrail?