Mayor's Boris Island plan killed off TfL takeover of SoutheasternMetro services
Robin9 wrote:
Mizter T;148811 Wrote:
Blimey Boris is an idiot.
The one thing we all, Paul Corfield, Spud, myself, everyone else, agree
I don't: I think he's a very smart operator who successfully adopts the
guise of a bumbling idiot. He won election, twice, as mayor of a
Labour-voting city, and currently has four jobs (as a very highly paid
journo, best-selling biographer, the politician with the most direct voters
in the UK, and an MP with a majority of 10,695). Despite never having
served in government in any capacity, he's frequently spoken of as a future
prime minister.
He's also rather good at getting things named after himself. Ken spent many
years promoting public transport in London, whereas Boris had no previous
interest in it before becoming mayor, and will probably lose all interest
in it in a year's time. But we have the Boris Bus, Boris Bike, and would-be
Boris Island, but no Ken Fare, Ken Train, Ken Card, Ken Tram, etc.