Mayor's Boris Island plan killed off TfL takeover of SoutheasternMetroservices
On 14/06/2015 11:18, Paul Corfield wrote:
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 08:56:57 +0000 (UTC), Recliner
But we have the Boris Bus, Boris Bike, and would-be
Boris Island, but no Ken Fare, Ken Train, Ken Card, Ken Tram, etc.
I've heard "Kengestion charge"
All that proves is that Boris is a bigger egomaniac than Ken was and
he was no shrinking violet.
Or that "Barclays cycle hire" is too much or a mouthful, and "New Bus
for (4?) London or is it New Routemaster?" is too confused.
And it's not new; speed limits are here to stay and the Pillbox Affair
is now pretty much forgotten, but the ghost of Baron Hore-Belisha still
lives on in the form of street furniture.
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK