On Tue, 16 Jun 2015 17:16:34 +0000 (UTC)
"Peter Smyth" wrote:
On Mon, 15 Jun 2015 17:20:32 +0000 (UTC)
"Peter Smyth" wrote:
While there are certainly many vociferous opponents of Heathrow
expansion in West London, opinion polls have shown the majority
support it so I don't think being anti-Heathrow is the advantage
you seem to think it will be.
Have you got any statistics to back that up?
I'd like to know who actually wants any airport extension anywhere in
the south east other than the aiports themselves and airlines. London
already has 4 major airports + city and southend which is more than
any other european capital. This whole manufacturered "crisis" is
nothing more than vested interests trying to increase their share
prices with gullible politicians falling for it hook and line.
A telephone poll. Hardly the most reliable method given it tends to select
a certain demographic who are home doing nothing during the day.