Paris Metro chiefs back introduction of driverless Tube trains to London
On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 16:17:17 +0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Which means, of course, that we stay under the power of the unions,
whatever limited on-board role they may perform.
The rail unions could be brought to heal just like the miners were if some
our current crop of politicos could find actually find a pair.
The trouble is that it's hard to stockpile driver hours like you can coal.
I think the government's plan is to let the unions annoy the population so
much that there will be overwhelming support for legislation to ban strikes
in essential services.
I'm not sure I'd be happy with banning strikes altogether, but perhaps some
sort of greater financial penalty if they do. So 1 days strike = 1 weeks lost
pay or similar.
Mind you , there is the Regan solution. Back in 80 or 81 the air traffic
controllers went on strike in the US for the umpteenth time and Reagan had
threatened to sack the lot if they did it again. They did do it again and he
did sack them all with an added bonus of preventing being re-employed as
controllers anywhere in the USA.
If it can be done with something as critical as air traffic control I'm pretty
sure it could be done with tube staff especially since their jobs don't even
come close to the pressure and complexity of the former. I'm sure there are
plenty of east europeans who'd be more than willing to do it.