Groundline GmbH
Landstraßer Hauptstaße 71/1/331
A-1030 Vienna
Telephone (+43) 1 713 4550
Facsimile (+43) 1 713 4550-50
"Roman Mittermayr" roman.mittermayr at wrote in message
got an urgent problem:
i need a london transport travelcard, from 6th to 8th of may.
unfortunately they are only able to send me a card for 14th of may
so I got no way to get a card!
You don't say who you have contacted already.
Have you tried:
Groundline GmbH
Landstraßer Hauptstaße 71/1/331
A-1030 Vienna
Telephone (+43) 1 713 4550
Facsimile (+43) 1 713 4550-50
They can issue Visitor Travelcards for zones 1- 6 from 2 - 7 days.
If this doesn't work, there is no problem buying Travelcards when you get to
London (but you can't buy Visitor Travelcards when you get here!). You will
need One day Travelcards (much cheaper than a 7 day card for your stay).
You can buy them from Tube station ticket offices, most Ticket Stops*,
London Travel Information Centres and National Rail stations. Also available
(not always the full range) from self-service ticket machines at Tube
* Ticket stops are small shops, such as newsagents, which also sell a range
of tickets. Usually found near bus stops - look for distinctive yellow
advertising on the window.
One day Travelcards for zones 1-4 cost £4.70 if you don't need to travel
before 0930 on the 6th & 7th (valid all day Saturday.)
They will cost you £7.30 on Thursday and Friday if you want to start using
them before 0930.
You can buy your cards for the following day in advance - you might be able
to buy all three at the same time if you ask.
I hope you find this useful. Enjoy tour stay in London!