ELL in peril yet again
Paul Terry wrote in message ...
Of course, none of the distances from stations are vast, but I haven't
seen anything that really resembles a coherent transport plan for the
main Olympics complex - just the general claim that Stratford will be an
I suspect thats because the politicians know that London has about as much
chance of staging the Olympics as Eygpt does for the 2005 downhill skiing
championships. Even in politics reality occasionally creeps in and there is
sod all chance of the olympic commitee going ahead in a city that can't even
transport its normal day to day population properly , never mind being able to
manage a few hundrends of thousands (or even millions?) of extra visitors.
Personally I'm not too upset about the ELL not going ahead. If it was to be
a proper tube line then fine , but I'd rather my tax money was spent on
something other than a bit of track to join up a load of **** poor TOCs
just so they can **** up east london travel as much as they have everywhere