Bakerloo & northern extensions
On Mon, 17 Aug 2015 15:19:27 +0100
Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 14:59:50 on Mon, 17 Aug
2015, Steve Fitzgerald ] remarked:
You can't to terminate S stock at Mansion House so that will not be an
option from next year when the last D stock goes. Mansion House bay
road is then due to be removed.
Is the bay too short? Can it not be lengthened.
Even if it is too short you'd think they'd use it for the occasional
engineering train. But its typical of LU to remove infrastructure that
their tealeaf readers can't see any use for in the next 5 minutes, just
like they took out boatloads of crossovers all over the network so now if
there's a stuff up on a line somewhere, an unreasonable amount of the line
has to be closed because there are few places to reverse trains.