London to Cite Europe - trips via Euroshuttle
Does anybody know of a firm doing regular trips to Cite Europe (Calais),
via the Euroshuttle from London or the Croydon area (or perhaps regularly
from Ashford?).
A few years ago there used to be an excellent, little publicised, turn up
and go service from Charing Cross station and other places. You got the
ticket from the station, travelled to Ashford, and there was a regular
coach service on the hour for most of the day to/from Cite Europe and
Calais. Unfortunately the rail company stopped these "due to lack of
I realise that a car trip is the best way, but I've never bothered to take
my driving test, so that is out of the question. I would prefer the
shuttle to the ferry, because it is quicker, but the ferry could be a last
resort. The only other way is getting the Eurostar to Paris to do some
shopping, but that is rather extreme :-)