On Sun, 06 Sep 2015 00:15:40 +0100
Paul Corfield wrote:
I really suggest you investigate how TfL is controlled. It was handed
over to the Mayor and is run as part of the Greater London Authority.
The government therefore did exactly what you said.
Except the name was changed.
You also seem to fail to realise that LT ceased to exist in 1986 when
Maggie killed the GLC and also ended LT. It became London Regional
Transport at the point. Therefore LT was dead 14 years before TfL was
created via primary legislation.
Get your facts right. The London Transport brand was used until 2000 until
it was replaced by TfL.
Rant all you like but get the history right. The old "London
Transport" and all its heritage went a very long time ago regardless
of what name was stuck on the side of Tube trains and buses.
Whatever. It was a rebranding, pure and simple. End.