Ticket Office Lottery
On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 08:30:07 +0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Too late - this is an example of one of those bloody awful "scorched
earth" policies where everything is being rushed through under the
control of one Mayor so it cannot be reversed by the next Mayor. No
change will happen before May 2016 barring some horrendous accident
that calls the policy into question and causes the Mayor to panic.
I honestly don't understand what Boris is doing here. It seems to me this is
going way beyond cost cutting but has a political dimension. Reduce the
roles to little better than ushers and hope they get fed up and quit then
rehire a bunch of muppets on a lower salary to replace them.
Sounds just like your policy for Tube drivers.
They deserve it. They're some of the best paid blue collar workers in the
country doing a job a trained chimp could do yet they constantly hold
London to ransom over yet more pay and easier conditions. **** em.
The station staff OTOH do a hard job for not nearly as much pay and rarely