On 03/10/2015 02:16, Recliner wrote:
JNugent wrote:
On 02/10/2015 06:26, Robin9 wrote:
;150401 Wrote:
Vehicle tests, DBS & Police checks, knowledge tests. Not sure how many
be credibly done by an operator.
Colin Rosenstiel
The vehicle tests and criminal record checks are not done by
the operators. Negligent TfL has only delegated knowledge testing
to the cab firms who, of course, pass every driver because they
want as many drivers as possible.
TIs there a street knowledge test (or requirement) for the drivers of
the unlicensed vehicles?
Surely that's only for taxi-drivers?
Surely it's only for black cab drivers in Central London?
All London cab-driver applicants have to pass a version of the
Knowledge, whether they are going for the "All London" (green badge) or
a "suburban rank" (yellow badge).
There is no parallel test for the would-be drivers of pirate cars.
Other cabbies of
all types don't have to get the "knowledge". And are there any other
professionals who can only qualify by not using modern technology?
Cab-drivers have to be able to do it with their brain.
One can only conjecture as to why such a requirement might not be
appropriate for pirates.