TfL Taxi Consultation to "kill" Uber
On 04/10/2015 12:30, Arthur Figgis wrote:
On 03/10/2015 13:08, tim..... wrote:
"JNugent" wrote in message
On 01/10/2015 18:53, tim..... wrote:
There is nothing in the London Cab Acts or the Town Police Clauses Act
which prevents passengers from teaming up for a joint-hiring. AAMOF,
they do it all the time.
That's no bloody use to a solo traveller arriving at an airport (off a
I've done it in Sofia (which meant I only got a /bit/ ripped off
compared to getting in a taxi without someone with local knowledge...)
and somewhere else I've forgotten.
I suggested it to someone in the queue^H^H line with me at a US airport
who was getting off the same flight to go to the same hotel for the same
conference, but she clearly thought I was mad and quite possibly an
ax(e)-murderer and so we joined the convoy of one-passenger cars heading
into town.
Ah... someone who has (at least partly) cottoned on to the safety aspects.