Originally Posted by Roland Perry
In message , at 09:32:10 on Sun, 4
Oct 2015, Robin9 remarked:
So far, there is no evidence that Uber drivers in London are not
registered with TfL and therefore have complied with all the
requirements, e.g. health checks, CRB checks. TfL claim they have
carried out on Uber their most thorough check ever on a minicab
firm. Nearly all the scare propaganda about Uber comes from people
with a vested interest in denigrating them, i.e the black cab trade and
politicians too lazy to learn the facts.
Curiously, it's other minicab firms which are also complaining. I've not
seen much about Uber's drivers failing to be checked by Uber regarding
health and DBS checks, but there's a certain amount of FUD regarding
insurance, which it's claimed is only checked on day-1 and is the
driver's responsibility (rather than traditionally the fleet's
The biggest compliant, however, is that Uber's drivers ply-for-hire and
cause a nuisance by parking up at what are in effect "pirate ranks".
It's a bit ironic that a system allegedly designed to be able to more
easily *pre*-book a car, is in fact being used to circumvent the
distinction between hackneys and private hire.
Roland Perry
I suggested in an earlier post that eventually Uber will kill-off
a large chunk of the conventional minicab firms. Perhaps that's
why minicab firms are complaining although until now their main
grievance has been losing so many of their drivers to Uber.
The allegations about plying-for-hire are unsubstantiated. Most of
the assertions in this regard made about Uber have in the past
been made about minicab drivers in general. If a minicab driver
parks up instead of driving around pointlessly, the black cab trade
accuses the driver of plying for hire. He's not! He's just saving
petrol while waiting for his next job!